Why Monitor Awards?

98% don't hit SAM.gov...
Prove it?

SAMradar is the only tool that takes your custom search criteria and watches the 20,000+ awards every day. Yes, it notifies you and yes, you have the contact information for both the buyer and the prime. True, we are showing you that you lost this one... Now you can act so they know about you before they decide to award the next one.
You need monitor awards because otherwise, your will competition will KEEP WINNING.
...for the 98%

Why Monitor Awards

How SAMradar Works

SAMradar watches the entire federal market for activity in your wheelhouse (totally customizable by you). When something hits your radar, it sends you an email with details on who bought, what was bought, who sold and when it happened.
Why email?
Because you already use it every day.
Like what you see? Super! You can quickly log into SAMradar and see buyer history, competitors and all kinds of great information because the real objective is to streamline your process so you can quickly act and contact the key decision makers and inject yourself as a great resource.
"The secret of getting ahead...
is getting started"
Mark Twain

How do I reach buyers?
Every SAMradar notification contains the buyer's contact information so you can quickly send a request to discuss the award they just made, share your capabilities and provide your value proposition. The reason? These are the folks that are buying what you sell and need to know exactly how you can help them in the future... and that at the very least, you want to be put on the buyer's shortlist so they let you play in the game!

What about the winning Prime?

You might want to punch the winner in the mouth and steal their business... If that is the case, you tell your SAMradar to watch EVERY move they are making and give you all of the contacts that are buying from that prime.
You want to play nice and work with that winner. If this is the case, SAMradar will help you quickly connect with the prime contacts so you can discuss that win while it is top of mind and before the project get's scooped up by another subcontractor.